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Fig. 5 | Retrovirology

Fig. 5

From: Cocaine augments neuro-inflammation via modulating extracellular vesicle release in HIV-1 infected immune cells

Fig. 5

Cocaine treatment alters BST-2 interaction with intracellular trafficking, endosome biogenesis and ESCRT machinery. A Confocal microscopic image showing interaction of BST-2 with LSP-1 and VPS4 in macrophages with or without HIV-1 infection after 6 days. B Electron microscopic image showing immunolabelled BST-2 (indicated by black arrows) colocalization in macrophages with or without HIV-1 infection after 6 days. Scale bars = 200 nm. C BST-2 immunoprecipitation and Western blot of LSP-1, LAMP-1, CD81 and CD63 with Western blot of BST-2 as control. AbC—Antibody control; TCL—Total Cell lysate. D Quantitative analysis of Western blots showing fold change after HIV-1 infection and cocaine treatment in (C) with untreated and uninfected as control. The band intensity in each lane was determined by ImageJ software. E Confocal microscopic image showing interaction of BST-2 with CD81 and F CD9 in macrophages with or without HIV-1 infection and cocaine treatment after 6 days. Data represent the mean ± SD of 3 independent experiments, and p-values were calculated relative to untreated controls (*p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p < 0.001)

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