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Figure 3 | Retrovirology

Figure 3

From: Cerebellum-specific and age-dependent expression of an endogenous retrovirus with intact coding potential

Figure 3

Distribution of the ERV mch8 sequence in 57 different mouse strains. A. A schematic drawing indicates the location of the primers used for PCR amplification of the ERVmch8 sequence. The distribution of the ERVmch8 locus in the genome of 57 mouse strains, both laboratory and wild-derived, was evaluated by PCR. B. The data regarding the distribution of the ERVmch8 sequence in various mouse strains are plotted onto a family tree developed by Petkov et al. [23]. Forty-seven of the 57 strains were mapped on the tree, which contains seven distinct groups, and each strain is highlighted with either a black box (evident presence of the ERVmch8 sequence) or in bold (no evident presence of the ERVmch8 sequence).

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