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Archived Comments for: Investigation of measles outbreak-Herena and Dawe-Serer Districts of Bale Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, February 2011

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  1. Request of correcting of name of author

    Yusuf Mohammed, Addis ababa university

    3 February 2015

    Type your comment here...I am one of the author of article titiled"Investigation of measles outbreak-Herena and Dawe-Serer Districts of Bale Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, February 2011"and my correct name is Yusuf Mohammed and has been written on article as M. Yesuf. there for i would like correct like other author to write my full correct name Yusuf Mohammed


    Competing interests

    A competing interest exists when your professional judgment about a paper could possibly be influenced by considerations other than the paper's validity or importance. Detail possible competing interests here... i need only to correct my name
