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Figure 2 | Retrovirology

Figure 2

From: Two distinct variants of simian foamy virus in naturally infected mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx)and cross-species transmission to humans

Figure 2

Phylogenetic relationship of integrase sequences (425 bp) circulating in the mandrill colony at the CIRMF. Phylogenetic tree of the 11 main circulating sequences (in red, mandrills harbouring virus from northern Gabon; in blue, from southern Gabon), representing all sequences in the colony. The five SFV sequences obtained previously by Calattini et al. [3] are identified with an asterisk. The insert shows all 53 sequences, including clone 11 (in colour). All SFV sequences were aligned with ClustalW (1.81) and edited with Bioedit. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (BMCMC) method implemented in MrBayes 3.1 and the Rtrev model. Sequence AspSFV8spm (from a New World spider monkey) was included as an outgroup. The maximum clade credibility tree topology inferred with FigTree v1.2 is shown. Values above the branches are bootstrap values. All new mandrill sequences are identified by Mnd (for mandrill), a number (frequently followed by a letter) and ending with CDP (Centre de Primatologie, their origin) (vg: Mnd12QCDP). In brackets is the accession number in GenBank.

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