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Fig. 9 | Retrovirology

Fig. 9

From: A new genotype of bovine leukemia virus in South America identified by NGS-based whole genome sequencing and molecular evolutionary genetic analysis

Fig. 9

Alignment of amino acid sequences of the BLV regulatory and accessory proteins. Alignment of amino acid residues corresponding to the regulatory proteins Tax (a) and Rex (b), and the accessory proteins R3 (c) and G4 (d) from a total of 16 South American BLV strains including one sample from Peru, seven from Paraguay and eight from Bolivia, together with that of the FLK-BLV strain pBLV913. Identity with the FLK-BLV strain is indicated by dots. a A putative zinc finger, leucine-rich activation, and multiple functional domains in the Tax protein are shown in purple, blue, and pink, respectively. Sites of phosphorylation in the Tax protein are indicated in bold, italics, and underlined. b The nuclear export signal (NES) and the nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the Rex protein are shown in light purple and light red, respectively. d The leader peptide, the myb-like motif (MYB), and the arginine-rich nucleus targeting RNA-binding region (ARR) are shown in orange, blue, and green, respectively. Two putative cellular protease cleavage sites are in italics and bold. Termination codons are shown by an asterisk

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