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Figure 1 | Retrovirology

Figure 1

From: HIV-1 Gag C-terminal amino acid substitutions emerging under selective pressure of protease inhibitors in patient populations infected with different HIV-1 subtypes

Figure 1

Gag substitutions and PI or RTI resistance mutations in 12 patients from the Leuven cohort. Each subplot shows the data of one patient regarding the viral load, the treatment period and the emerging Gag substitutions and the PI/RTI resistance mutations. X- and Y-axes indicate the time (weeks) and the level of plasma HIV RNA (log10 copies/mL), respectively. For each subplot, red dots indicate the level of viral load and the dash line indicates the viral load cutoff at 50 copies per mL. Beneath the viral load plot, each treatment period is annotated by a colored bar with vertical black lines indicating the sequence sampling time. The blue, pink, green and yellow bars show PI-based treatments containing LPV/r, FPV/r, ATV/r and DRV/r, respectively. The grey bar indicates treatments lacking PIs. Multiple substitutions or mutations are shown using the plus symbol "+". Amino acids translated from ambiguous nucleotide letters are indicated by brackets. For patient 343, the insertion EPTAPP at position P453 is annotated as P453Ins. For patient 1075, the sets of PI or RTI resistance mutation are abbreviated (Mut 1-4) and listed in the subplot. Additional file 1: Table S2 provides the full list of Gag, protease and RT substitutions in these 12 patients.

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