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Figure 3 | Retrovirology

Figure 3

From: SAMHD1 restricts HIV-1 reverse transcription in quiescent CD4+T-cells

Figure 3

Quiescent CD4+T-cells from Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome patients, with inactivating mutation of SAMHD1 (AGS-5), display a Vpx-independent susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. a. Impact of Vpx treatment on susceptibility to HIV-CMV-EGFP infection of quiescent CD4+ T-cells (CD69- HLA-DR-) and CD14+ monocytes from individuals with heterozygous AGS-5 SAMHD1-/+ mutation (n = 2). PBMCs were treated 12 h with VLP-Mock or VLP-Vpx then infected with HIV-CMV-EGFP or left uninfected (control). Proportions of EGFP positive quiescent CD4+ T-cells were assessed 4 days post infection. b. PBMCs from AGS-5 SAMHD1-/- patients were treated and analyzed as in a. (n = 4). c. Impact of SAMHD1 homozygous mutation on permissivity to HIV-CMV-EGFP infection of CD4+ T-cell (left panel) and monocytes (right panel). Results are expressed as a fold increase of GFP positive cells among quiescent CD4+ T-cells, comparing SAMHD1-/- patients to SAMHD1-/+ individuals. d. Effect of Vpx treatment on the permissiveness of quiescent CD4+ T-cell (left panel) and monocytes (right panel) derived from SAMHD1-/- patients (n = 3) and SAMHD1-/+ (n = 1) to HIV-CMV-EGFP. Results are presented as fold increase comparing the percentage of GFP positive cells in VLP-Vpx to VLP-Mock treated samples.

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