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Figure 1 | Retrovirology

Figure 1

From: Molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 persistence in the monocyte-macrophage lineage

Figure 1

monocyte-macrophage lineage. All cells from the monocyte-macrophage lineage appear to derive from a same progenitor multipotent cell, the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). The HSC, located in the bone marrow, may differentiate either into a myeloid or a lymphoid precursor, setting up the divergence between the myeloid (blue) and plasmacytoid (green) lineage. The myeloid precursor is then able to migrate into the blood stream and to differentiate into a monocyte. Monocytes migration to specific tissues and their differentiation occur upon a stimulation of a different cytokines, interleukins and/or other factors cocktail. Depending to the location, the monocytes become either interstitial dendritic cells, macrophages or microglial cells. Lymphoid precursor runs parallel with the myeloid one, but can directly differentiate into another type of dendritic cell, the plasmacytoid dendritic cell.

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