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Figure 7 | Retrovirology

Figure 7

From: Identification of late assembly domains of the human endogenous retrovirus-K(HML-2)

Figure 7

Inhibition of Tsg101 and Alix expression by RNA interference effects HERV-K(HML-2) egress. (A) A significant down regulation of Tsg101 (left panel) and Alix (right panel) was achieved in HEK 293T cells with siRNAs specific for the respective mRNAs. (B) For the determination of the impact of Tsg101 or Alix inhibition of HERV-K113 release, pBSK-oriHERV-K133 was contransfected with specific siRNAs or non-target siRNAs as control. Twenty-four hours post transfection the virus from the supernatants and the cell lysates were loaded on a Western blot. The blot was probed with a rat anti-p27 serum.

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