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Figure 5 | Retrovirology

Figure 5

From: Immune adaptor ADAP in T cells regulates HIV-1 transcription and cell-cell viral spread via different co-receptors

Figure 5

The SLP-76-ADAP module regulates viral transfer between T-cells. (A) ADAP/GFP and M12/GFP expressing target cells were mixed with HIV infected donor T cells. Conjugates were defined as closely apposed pairs consisting of one GFP + target cell and a HIV Gag + donor cell. Represent examples show interfacial localization of Gag (red) and Env (blue) proteins between GFP + target cell and a HIV-donor Jurkat cell. Over 200 conjugates from each sample were counted. Data are from three independent experiments and error bars show the SEM (p < 0.05). (B) Representative images of ADAP/GFP cell (a,b) and M12/GFP (c,d) cell in contact with a Gag + cell (left panels). Analysis of cell-cell contact surface. Reduced interface size amongst cells that formed conjugates with M12 (p < 0.0001). Bars are represented as means ± SD (n = 32) (right panel). (C) M12 reduces HIV-1 spread amongst T-cells. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed using primers specific for the HIV pol gene and an albumin house-keeping gene. The ratio of HIV pol DNA to albumin was determined as the HIV DNA copy number. The fold increase was calculated relative to the amount of DNA at the time point 0 h. Data are from three independent experiments and error bars show the SEM.

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